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SPARK Videos

A VC Perspective: Emerging Trends and Areas of Growth in the Digital Asset Space

  • Speakers
  • Arjun Balaji Investment Partner, Paradigm
  • Chris Ahn Partner, Haun Ventures
  • Michael Shaulov CEO and Co-Founder, Fireblocks
  • Mukaya (Tai) Panich CEO and CIO, SCB 10X
  • Zack Rosen Investor, Ribbit


VCs are one of the best resources for discovering the next big thing. Executives want to know which market segments look ripe for explosive growth, while developers are looking to figure out what they should be building next.

In this session, Fireblocks CEO Michael Shaulov will meet with top VCs investing in the growth of the digital asset space to discuss where these new pockets of innovation are within tokenization, Web3, and other emerging trends in the industry.

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